Open Mortgage Brand Strategy

Year: 2015
Role: Brand Consultant
Contribution: Tommy Lynn, Open Mortgage Executive Management Team


Open Mortgage is a successful, small-sized mortgage company established for over 10 years who was ready to accelerate its business amidst a cluttered marketplace. They were interested in revamping their brand and website to increase differentiation and competitive advantage.


I collaborated with the Executive Management Team to define Open Mortgage’s purpose, key differentiators and connection to its external tagline, “Where Better is Possible.” This involved the following initiatives:

  • Internal survey and background research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Customer journey mapping
  • In-person executive workshop
  • Brand Strategy alignment


I helped Open Mortgage revitalize its brand and better connect with its customers. Through our collaboration, the executive team revamped its overall marketing approach versus just updating the look and feel of the site.

  • Finalized Open Mortgage’s brand strategy – purpose, reasons to believe, brand personality and values
  • Developed a messaging framework with proof points that ladder to the brand strategy
  • Collaborated with creative agency to brief in the updated visual and verbal brand identity and its translation to the site
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